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Sheikh's Unexpected Triplets Page 6

  "I want you."

  Bedelia was a little surprised to realize that the words had come from her. They were breathed so quietly that he might have missed them, even standing as close as he was, but she knew right away he had heard them, because his body tightened. For a moment, Jahin held her almost crushingly tight, but then he regained enough control to look at her.

  "Are you sure?" he asked roughly. "That is not a good thing to tempt a man with, not when you are all alone."

  "I know what I want," she said, her voice trembling a little. "And I am not scared of you."

  His laugh was dark and rueful. "What a beautiful little puzzle you are, my darling. Perhaps it is time for us to see if we can unravel you completely..."

  She started to make a retort to that, but then his mouth was back on hers. His kiss had a dark edge to it, something ancient and modern and male and all him. It beckoned her to the dark places, it told her that there was more than this pleasure open to her if she would just open, if she would just trust...

  The kiss went on and on, and when it was over, Jahin scooped her up in his arms. She tilted her head back as her carried her, seeing the great arc of sky and stars overhead. The moon had sailed higher; it looked smaller now, but still one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen. Bedelia looked up into Jahin's copper eyes that seemed so warm that surely they could melt her where she stood. It seemed to be a night for beautiful things.

  He walked her straight to the edge of the terrace, where there was a tall stone ledge all the way around.

  "I want..." He paused for a moment, his voice rough. "I want you. Do you trust me?"

  There was no answer she could give besides a murmured and breathless “yes.” It was the answer that her body needed, that she demanded. It was the only one possible.

  "Good," he said, and he reached for her clothes.

  There was something ceremonial about it. There was no hurry at all in his hands, nothing rushed or demanding. Instead, it was nothing but control, even if his hands shook a little. In the end, her underthings and shoes were piled discreetly to one side, and her dress he had laid over the ledge, where it fluttered slightly like a white flag of surrender.

  It was the first time she had stood naked in front of a man, but for some reason, there was no embarrassment and no humiliation. She didn't reach up to cover her round breasts from his eyes or to shield the delicate fluff of dark hair between her legs. Instead, she looked up at him with her chin tilted up slightly, almost defiant, almost challenging.

  This is me, she thought. Could you want me? Would you have me?

  The answer in his copper eyes was nothing but “yes.”

  "You said you trusted me," he said, and without waiting for her response, he lifted her up to sit on the terrace.

  The first thing that struck her was the cold of the stone. Despite the warmth of the night, the stone ledge was icy, and when the warm skin of her rear hit it, it felt even colder still. Bedelia gasped, and then she glanced behind her, at the people who were still celebrating below. They were so far up that the people looked small to her, and she knew that at this late stage in the celebration, none of them would think to look up.

  Jahin's soft chuckle made her jerk her eyes back to the man with the copper eyes, the great lord who brought fertility and wealth to the land.

  "Don't look down at them," he said. "Look down at me."

  At first, Bedelia had no idea what he was talking about, but then he was dropping to his knees in front of her. No, not in front of her, between her legs, and he parted her knees easily. His hands were warm, and she sighed as he stroked them along her waist and thighs.

  "Trust me," he murmured. "I would never let you fall..."

  She started to respond, but then he pressed a warm kiss into the crease of her thigh, and Bedelia whimpered instead. His kisses were gentle at first, almost innocent, but then they grew more heated. He was licking along her sensitive skin, making her moan, and then slowly, he spread her open even farther.

  Bedelia couldn't stop the startled cry she made. Her hands, wild and looking for something steady, landed in Jahin's hair, making him laugh.

  "Try and control me if you think you can, beautiful one," he taunted, and then he placed one long, strong lick right along her slit, ending with a nearly breathtaking pleasure against her clit. Bedelia's cry was as much surprise as pleasure. No one had ever touched her there before; even her own explorations had been slow and fractured, always ending with a sort of confused pleasantness rather than the explosion she had heard about from magazines and blogs.

  Jahin took a moment to savor her moan, and then he lapped at her fiercely. There was none of the slow patience that had come before. Instead, he stroked and licked her with the hunger of a madman and all the pride of a man who knew he was entitled to everything he laid hands on. Bedelia knew in this moment that she belonged to him, and that meant her pleasure was his as well. It would always belong to him, and her hands tightened in his hair.

  "Oh, I can't, I can't!" she cried suddenly as the pleasure inside her rose up to a wicked spike. She had read about this moment so many times before, but now that it was upon her, she was afraid. It was like a leap into the unknown, it was power that was going to explode, and who knew what would happen to her when it did?

  Weakly, she tried to fight off the pleasure, but even as she did so, she knew that it was a fight she was going to lose. Bedelia could feel herself start to shake and groan; her body was moving without her volition. The pleasure raced through her, and she could hear Jahin growling his satisfaction, demanding every bit of her even as his tongue brought her to a pleasure she had never understood.

  Her eyes, which had been squeezed shut, opened suddenly, and she looked up into the bright stars and the velvet night. This was what those women had felt when they made love to the great lord to ensure the wealth of the nation and a good harvest. This was what they had seen, and this was what she was seeing too.

  The moment she set eyes on the stars, the pleasure raced through her body, setting her alight. There was no resisting it this time, there was nothing but surrender as she burned to a crisp, her body shaking hard.

  "Oh...oh my god, Jahin!"

  She slumped forward when her climax finally let her go, and he caught her in his arms.

  "Beautiful girl," he murmured, planting kisses all over her face. He tasted of her and her pleasure, and though the thought should have embarrassed her, it made Bedelia purr with pleasure. She felt as if she had marked him somehow, as a lioness marked her mate. It made him hers, if only for a little while, if only for a night.

  "I feel as if there's nothing left of me," she murmured as he walked her towards a bench.

  "Oh, there's plenty left of you for my purposes," he murmured, and she started to ask what he meant when he lay her down on the padded bench. It was enormous, as long as a twin-sized bed and nearly as wide, and when she lay down on it, she purred at how soft it was. She started to say so, and then Jahin was rising over her, spreading her legs so he could lie between them.


  "Shush, darling, if you trust me, this will all be fine, I promise..."

  "I do," she said, but her brain was so soaked with pleasure that her thoughts felt as if they were trying to tumble through mud. All she could do was whimper as he undid his trousers. A pang of desire went through her all over again, but she was painfully aware of how little she knew of what was to come.

  When she felt the tip of his cock at her warm entrance, the words she needed to explain to him how very little experience she had were tumbling just beyond her gasp, and the shiver of pleasure that ran through her was not making things easier

  "Shh, do not worry, this will feel so good," he crooned, and then he was sliding inside her.

  She was warm and wet, but there was no way to prepare for what came next. He sheathed himself fully inside her in one deep stroke, and she yelped at the shock of pain that went through her. Her cry made him freeze as thoug
h someone had struck him, and the look of surprise on his face was so funny that she would have laughed if the pain hadn't made her whimper.


  She groaned when he pulled out of her, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he looked down at her with shock, eyes wide.

  "You didn't tell me," he said, his voice as rough as gravel. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

  Rationally, she knew he wasn't angry at her, but the hard edge to his voice and the rawness of her emotions were too much just then. Instead of making the very well-thought out and logical statement that she was intending to make, she whimpered as tears welled in her eyes.

  Jahin cursed in a language she did not know, and he pulled off of her entirely, rolling to one side so he could gather her in his arms. Somehow, despite all of the sensations that were besieging her just then, this was precisely what she wanted, and she buried her face in his chest. Her storm of tears was intense, but it was mercifully brief, and finally, she could look up at him again, her breathing level.

  "Are you all right? Sweetheart, I'm so sorry..."

  "Are... are you sorry about what we did?" she asked hesitantly, and she was relieved when he shook his head.

  "Never. As long as you enjoyed it, as long as I did not make a muck of it, I will never be sorry about it. But I hurt you, and that was the last thing I wanted."

  He paused. "Bedelia, why didn't you tell me that you were a virgin?"

  She refused to blush, not over something so silly. She utterly refused.

  "Because I'm twenty-four years old," Bedelia said with as much dignity as she could muster. "I'm a late bloomer, all right? Other people lost their virginities years ago, and yet here's me. Silly and foolish and ridiculous and..."

  She came to a stop when he pressed his finger over her lips.

  "No," he said firmly. "You will not speak of yourself like that again while I am here, while you are in my arms. You are none of those things, and if anyone ever told you that you were, they are fools and worse."

  She felt something warm inside her that had nothing to do with pleasure or sex. She started to say something, but he got up, pulling her with him. For the first time, she felt truly conscious of the fact that he was clothed and she was utterly naked. Instead of embarrassing her, some part of her liked the contrast, liked it a great deal.

  "We should get in my car," he said, already leading her away, and for some reason, she couldn't allow that.

  "No," she said, stopping in her tracks. He turned, looking at her as if she was crazy, and then she wrapped her arms around him, half-demanding and half-beseeching.

  "No," she repeated. "We're not done here yet..."

  This time, Bedelia was the one who tugged him down for the kiss. She was the one who slid her tongue between his lips, and she was the one who pressed her body against his. Somehow, the power had shifted again, and instead of feeling like some kind of shivering sacrifice, she was a goddess in her own right, come to take the man she had chosen for her own. This night, and every night that came after it, she would choose this man, and she would never have any regrets over it.

  "You're sore, I hurt you," he protested, but she shook her head.

  "I don't care," Bedelia murmured intently. "I want you, and I need you... Please, Jahin..."

  It was the “please” that did it. She could tell. When she said that word, a shiver ran through him, and his arms came up around her, crushing her to him.

  "Heaven help me, I couldn't stop now if I tried..." he swore, and then he was leading her back to the bench. This time, though, he paused to strip his clothes off until he was as barefoot and naked as she was. She only had a moment to admire his beauty, however, because then he was lying down on the bench, bringing her close.

  "I want you on top," he murmured. "I want you in control of things. If it is too much, stop, get off, do what you need to do."

  "And if it is not too much?" she asked imperiously, and she was answered with a wolf-like grin.

  "Then you show me how well you can ride," he said, and her heart started beating faster.

  He guided her onto his body, showing her how to straddle his hips. For a few moments, she was fascinated at the feeling of rocking her still warm and aroused flesh over the hard column of his manhood, feeling how much he wanted her, how very hot it was, but when he groaned, she knew he couldn't wait any longer. If she was honest, neither could she.

  With a trembling hand, she reached down beneath her to position him correctly. She could feel the tip of his manhood at her entrance again, and her body shivered at the memory of the sharp pain. Then her need and his reasserted itself, and taking a deep breath, she slid down on him completely.

  Their cries mingled in the night, but this time, there was no pain. Instead, there was only a feeling of fullness, a kind of pleasure that seemed to take her over and make her eyes open wide.

  "Bedelia? Bedelia, are you all right?"

  "Yes, yes," she whispered. "Oh Jahin..."

  "Try moving," he suggested, and from the strained sound of his voice, she knew he was teetering on the edge but wanted her pleasure more.

  Tentatively, she raised herself a bit and then lowered herself again, feeling a pleasure that was similar to the one she had experienced earlier with his mouth on her. When she repeated the motion again, more surely and more firmly, she whimpered a little at how good it felt.

  "You feel like heaven," he groaned, but she couldn't reply because she was experimenting, rising up and sinking down, rocking forward and back and then side to side. It was as if her body was capable of things that she had never imagined before, as if there were colors she had never seen before, and now she wanted nothing more than to gorge herself.

  Bedelia could feel the swells of pleasure rising up in her again, deep and enduring, but Jahin's needs were sharper. She could actually feel the moment when his control snapped, and his hands came up to grip hard at her hips.

  One moment, he was letting her play, and the next he was using his awe-inspiring strength to simply lift and lower her down on him even as he thrust up into her.

  "Oh! Oh my god, Jahin, please, please more," she cried, and whether he heard her or he was simply obeying the demands of his own body, he started to surge up into her with even more power, with even more need. The pleasure was sharper now that he was moving so powerfully, and before she knew it, she was shaking and trembling again, fisting her hands on his chest and crying his name over and over again.

  Just when the pleasure broke over her, she felt him stop short and grip her even tighter, burying himself as deeply as he could in her body as he found his own release there.

  Their cries spiraled up into the night sky, slowing and quieting before disappearing entirely. Bedelia felt as if she had been entirely wrung out. Every part of her buzzed with pleasure, and all she could do was pull away gingerly just enough to pull them apart, and then collapse on Jahin's chest.

  "I can feel your heartbeat," she murmured with a smile, and he chuckled as he stroked her dark hair.

  "I can feel yours," he replied. "Bedelia...are you all right?"

  "I feel amazing," she answered honestly. "Just...very tired."

  "We probably ought not stay out here," he said reluctantly. "Can I convince you to come to my car with me?"

  "Are you going to give me a ride home?" she asked, trying to conceal her sudden disappointment at the idea. She knew this wasn't a fairytale. She knew that men like Sheikh Jahin didn't have more than one night stands with her. Somehow, though, it still hurt.

  "I am not, actually," he said with a grin. "If you want a ride to your place, I'll call you a cab. However, if you want to come with me... Well, my family's townhouse is quite a bit closer, and we can shower, get some sleep, and perhaps order something good for breakfast in the morning."

  Bedelia had never had anything like a poker face. She knew she beamed at him like the sun even as she nodded. She knew better than to think that this was anything real, but perhaps for a little whi
le, she could have a fairytale.

  "I would like that very much indeed," she murmured, and he grinned at her.

  "Good. Now let's see if we can make sure that we take every piece of clothing that we came here with, or we're going to look like fools for my chauffeur..."


  HOURS LATER, JAHIN looked down at the girl sleeping so soundly and so trustingly in his bed. Who would have thought that he would have come back from a festival with someone like her?

  There was something strange about the entire night, and if Jahin believed in fate, he would be a very nervous man indeed. What were the chances of running into the very same girl first at the horse fair and then at the festival a week later? Was there something that would explain the power of his attraction to her?

  If he let his mind wander, it would settle uneasily on how he had come down between her legs, pushing deep inside her as if he was some kind of barbarian lord and she his prize. It was still altogether too clear in his mind's eye how she had flinched and looked up at him with those great, wounded green eyes. He had even touched her before, noted how tight she was and how new to pleasure she had seemed.

  In the old days, if he had taken her virginity like that, they would have been married. She might have been the most junior of his wives, and she might have been only a simple peasant girl before, but she would enjoy all the rights and privileges that were bestowed upon a woman worthy of the sheikh's attention.


  Jahin felt a pang go through him.

  He had been concerned with his emirate's affairs for a very long time, but that hardly meant that he had been a celibate monk. There had been a parade of women through his bed at one point or another...beautiful, assured women who would take what he gave them and satisfy themselves with his wealth, or his good looks and prowess in the bedroom. When they had parted, it had always been mutual, a game played out to the satisfaction of both parties.